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I love having my bread with Jam and so I thought, wait, I can make my own sweet natural jam! And Voila! so was born my Plum Cinnamon Jam! Simple with very few ingredients, you get this delicious spicy jam that you can generously spread on your pancake, crepes, bread, and even doughnuts. Head on over to my food blog for more delicious recipes


2 Kg Ripe Plums
10 Tablespoons Brown Sugar
2 Cinnamon Sticks


Wash, half and de-stone all the plums. Cut them in halves again
Place the halved plums into a large heavy bottomed pot. Add brown sugar and the cinnamon sticks
Cook on medium heat for 20 minutes or until the fruits have softened, stirring occasionally.
You should run the plum mixture through a sieve. The sieve should not be too fine as you will only get the juice but what you need is all the flesh but not the skin. I used a slotted spoon since my mesh was too fine. Place the plum mixture on the slotted spoon and use a flat spoon to press the plum mixture through
Pour the cinnamon plum mixture back to the pot. Cook for a further 40 minutes until yo see that the mixture has thickened
Pour or spoon the cinnamon plum jar into a sterilized jar, seal with a lid and consume within a week

Prep time: 15 mins
Cook time: 1 hour
Total time: 1 hour 15 mins
Yield: 1 Jar

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