The Kitchen is usually the place where we spend most of our time, whether it is to eat or just hang out as a family. That is why you need to make it as visually appealing as possible and to do that you need to add furniture that will make the room stand out. The most essential part of a Kitchen is the Kitchen Island. This is where yo can be as creative as you want. There are free standing Kitchen Islands that can be moved to different parts of the Kitchen and there are also those Kitchen Islands that are inbuilt and permanent. Add storage and extra siting with a standalone Kitchen Island. You can even go creative and add a shelving area where you can put your recipe books. The Kitchen Island is very versatile and can be made from different building materials like wood, brick and even iron. If you want the Kitchen Island to be multi functional, you can add a stove top where you can prepare and cook your meals. Let these amazing Kitchen Island designs give you inspiration to create your own and even add more style to your own Kitchen Island