bathroom design
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March 10, 2018


 Mirror Mirror on the wall...Mirrors are an essential part of the Bathroom after all, the whole reason for going to the Bathroom is to use the mirror. As a focal point in the Bathroom you need to decide the design that suits your space, decor and even size of the mirror. No longer just a functional integral part of the Bathroom; mirrors have redefined the space making them more artistic in nature than just for use to check your reflection. Whichever shape of Bathroom mirror you choose ensure it incorporates well with the design, theme and even color of the space. Have fun with different Mirror Designs that are specific to your taste and preferences.


The Bathroom is almost a sacred part of the house because this is the place that you will most likely find yourself alone with just your thoughts. Therefore your personal space should be a place that you feel relaxed and at peace with yourself. To achieve serenity means that your Bathroom should be designed or even modeled to your personality. For those renting out, you can give your Bathroom a personal touch by adding elegant accessories and decor that matches your ideal space. It does not have to be an expensive or big Bathroom for you to enjoy it, even small spaces serve their purposes very well when utilized properly. The Modern Bathroom has evolved such that it includes amazing features like spa areas, some even have an inside bar, entertainment center and even a massage space transforming modern living. Bathroom Designs have come a long way and you can pretty much design your own space without regard to what other people's options might be. Modern Bathrooms are like a Fashion statement, you create them to stand out of the crowd with uniqueness.

October 01, 2017

Beautiful Dramatic Bathroom Interiors Inspiration

Beautiful Dramatic Bathroom Interiors Inspiration
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Maira Gall